Pastors of the Caribbean Bible Academy in Haiti

Les Cayes Campus


The Pastors of the Caribbean Bible Academy exists to help train and equip church leaders for gospel ministry throughout Haiti. Presently the Bible academy has three training locations which are at: Gran Rivière du Nord (northern Haiti), Les Cayes (southern Haiti), and on the Haitian offshore island of La Gonave (pop. apprx. 100,000).

Our academy faculty are primarily local pastors in Haiti. The courses they teach include: hermeneutics, biblical eldership, and leading with love. Through distance learning academy students are also taking the correspondence course, “The Life of Christ” (a harmony of the gospels).

The students of the Pastors of the Caribbean Bible Academy are eager to learn! Some travel far, even during a tropical storms, to receive our bi-monthly, Saturday training. Some of our La Gonave students have requested to be taught biblical Greek, which we would like to teach them.

Pastors of the Caribbean is committed to keeping the cost of the academy training as affordable as possible for our students. Their costs are primarily for their books and transportation costs to our training locations. Academy scholarships are provided to some students depending on their circumstances.